How do solar immersion heaters work

Solar Immersion heaters use a clip-on sensor on the incoming service grid lines. The clip-on sensor can be attached anywhere before the consumer unit.From the clip-on sensor, the intelligent Solar Immersion controller gets accurate information required to compute whether the power is imported or exported.

Once the unit detects that the power is exported, it calculates how much is being exported and diverts the power to the immersion heater, to keep the exported power as near to zero as possible.


If the in-house load increases e.g. when a kettle, washing machine or dishwasher is used, it will reduce the power diverted to the immersion, ensuring only the excess power is used.

When the in-house usage decreases, even if only by a few watts, SolarImmersion will automatically increase the power to the immersion heater to use all the available surplus, rather than the excess going back to the grid.

This proportional control technology makes the Solar Immersion heater a highly efficient solar energy manager.

It diverts even small amounts of excess solar power to be saved as hot water and avoid the wastage as export power. This advanced switching technology enables the Solar Immersion to work efficiently with solar PV. The unit also includes the boost function and manual override facility to give you full control over how the immersion is managed.

Benefits of installing a solar immersion controller.

  • Maximise the use of the free solar energy produced at your property.
  • Reduce the cost of heating your hot water (around 18% of your electricity bill).
  • Minimise the use of your boiler.
  • Lower your carbon footprint.
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Hot Water Immersion Q&A's

What is a solar diverter?

A solar diverter is a small electronic device that connects to your immersion heater or electric heater. It is rigged up to your solar panel system directly so you can power your hot water system with free electricity. This improves the efficiency of your home and reduces your dependency on the National Grid.

Solar diverters are an additional upfront cost to your system, however they are an affordable option if you are tired of watching your free electricity going to waste.

How does a solar diverter work?

When your solar panels are producing more electricity than you need for your other household appliances, the solar diverter detects this surplus. It then diverts it to the immersion heater. In fact, it doesn’t have to be connected to the water heater. You can prioritise any appliance in your home to receive the excess electricity – including an electric vehicle charging station.

Do solar diverters save money?

Yes! Down the line, you end up saving money on your electricity bills as you are heating your hot water supply using free electricity. The hot water tank will store the energy as heat. This eliminates the need for using the National Grid’s supply to heat up your hot water. Reducing your reliance on your energy supplier cuts back on your spending. What’s more, you will eventually break even on the upfront cost of the diverter within a couple of years.

How much do solar diverters cost?

Solar diverters aren’t that expensive. You’re looking at an average of £200-400 depending on the make and model that you go for. The cost varies so much because of the features and it’s best to get some advice on which model is best for you before going ahead. We recommend getting in touch with your installation company for their feedback. They may have their own recommendations to fit in with your expectation and budget. You will need to factor in the cost of installation as well as the price of the diverter itself. A qualified electrician with experience of working with solar panels is a must for the task.

What are the pros of having a solar diverter?
  • Use renewable energy to heat your hot water supply
  • Reduced dependency on the grid
  • Save money on your electricity bills
  • Low maintenance
  • Increased energy efficiency
How is a solar diverter installed?

Installing a solar diverter doesn’t take too long as it’s fitted to the appliance that receives the excess electricity. It’s not a DIY job, however, as it involves wiring the diverter to your solar energy supply. It’s best to speak to a solar panel installer or a qualified electrician and hire a professional to carry out the work for you. This way, you avoid any issues and the work will be carried out safely.

Is having a solar diverter better than having battery storage?

While both make use of excess electricity, they aren’t alternatives for each other. You can have a diverter installed and also benefit from battery storage. For a fully efficient solar PV system, you should be making use of battery storage so you reduce your reliance on the national grid supply during the hours when your solar panels aren’t producing electricity. Solar diverters only give you a real benefit when the sun is out whereas solar batteries deliver their benefits all around the clock as long as they are charged.

What puts most people off having solar battery storage is the cost. Solar diverters are much more affordable in comparison, but they don’t promise the same overall benefits as solar batteries.

Does a solar diverter need any maintenance once installed?

Just as with your solar panels themselves, once installed, solar diverters don’t need regular maintenance. They have no moving parts and aren’t exposed to the elements. However, just like any electrical appliance, solar diverters don’t last forever. Over time, they can start to degrade and encounter technical issues. Solar diverters come with a warranty so if there aren’t any issues, replacements are included within the warranty time.

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